20 January 2007

06-December-2006 Hong Kong, People's Republic of China

Web: www.fishfoto.com -- E-Mail: fish@fishfoto.com

06-December-2006 Hong Kong, People's Republic of China

After traveling through four U.S. states, flying on a three flights, passing through immigrations twice and spending approximately 23 hours sitting in an airplane seat, I have arrived in Hong Kong shortly before mid-night.

Looking to maximize my flexibility, cut down on costs and use the long flights to sleep to my advantage, I booked my flights intentionally to allow me the least amount of time on the ground before my two meetings.

Now that I am in the terminal in HKG I need to find a quite dimly lit space, that has electrical power, and rest. My train into the center of the city is in about 9 hours, which in relation to the span of this trip is easy. Almost every major business airport has a place where a weary traveler can sit and relax safely.

Now I am off to find the shower facility, a quiet corner and rest a little bit.

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